Tile Cleaning Melbourne

How to Clean Ceramic Tile Floors: Your Ultimate Guide

Ceramic tile floors offer a durable and stylish option for any area of your home, from the living room to the kitchen and bathroom. Not only are they resistant to wear and tear, but they also come in a plethora of designs and finishes, making them a popular choice for homeowners looking to combine functionality with aesthetics.

However, like any flooring option, ceramic tiles require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best. Dirt, grime, and spills can dull the shine of your tiles and make your pristine floors look aged or neglected. Furthermore, the grout between tiles can become a hotspot for dirt accumulation, detracting from the overall clean appearance of your floor.

Here, we are going to share some effective tile cleaning Melbourne methods, including how to clean grout. So, you can ensure spotless ceramic floors and retain their shine for years.

Best Cleaning Solutions for Ceramic Tile Floors

Maintaining the original lustre and ensuring the longevity of ceramic tile floors require the right cleaning solutions and techniques. When it comes to cleaning these floors, you have the choice between homemade solutions and commercial cleaners, each offering its own set of benefits.

Homemade Solutions

For those who prefer natural cleaning methods, several homemade solutions can be effective in cleaning ceramic tile floors:

  1. One is a mixture of warm water and vinegar, which can effectively remove dirt and mildew without leaving behind any harsh chemical residues. To prepare this solution, mix ½ cup of white vinegar with a gallon of warm water. For tougher stains, a paste of baking soda and water can be applied directly to the stain, allowed to sit, and then scrubbed gently with a brush before rinsing off.
  2. Another simple yet effective cleaning solution is a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. This combination is gentle on tiles but can help break down grease and grime. It’s important to remember to use a soft mop or cloth to apply these solutions, as abrasive materials can scratch the tile’s surface.

Commercial Cleaners

For those who prefer the convenience of ready-to-use products, there are numerous commercial cleaners available specifically designed for ceramic tile floors. When choosing a commercial cleaner, it’s essential to select one that is pH-neutral. This means the cleaner is neither too acidic nor too alkaline, making it safe for regular use on ceramic tiles without damaging the glaze or the grout.

Some commercial cleaners are formulated to not only clean the tile but also to enhance its shine, providing a two-in-one solution. When using commercial cleaners, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding dilution, application, and rinsing to ensure the best results and avoid any damage to the floors. Always perform a patch test in an inconspicuous area before applying the cleaner to the entire floor.

Step-By-Step Process to Clean Ceramic Tiles

Cleaning ceramic tile floors effectively begins with the right preparation. Whether you’re tackling a regular cleaning routine or dealing with accumulated dirt and grime, these steps will ensure a comprehensive approach to maintaining the aesthetic and function of your ceramic tile flooring.

  • Gathering the Essential Tools

First things first. You will need proper cleaning tools and cleaners in place to ensure the best results for your ceramic floors. Here are the tools you will require for pristine ceramic tiles:

  • Cleaning solution
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Mop
  • Grout brush
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Baking soda


  • Removing Loose Dirt and Debris

The first step in preparing to clean your ceramic tile floors is to remove any loose dirt, dust, sand, and debris. This can effectively be accomplished using a soft bristle broom or a vacuum cleaner equipped with a soft brush attachment to prevent scratching the tiles.

It’s important to pay particular attention to the corners and edges of the room, as well as the spaces between tiles where dirt often accumulates. Removing loose debris not only prevents potential scratches during the mopping process but also ensures that the cleaning solution can work more effectively on the remaining dirt.

  • Handling Tough Stains and Sticky Residues

Before mopping the entire floor, tackle tough stains and sticky residues individually. For sticky spots, such as food spills or adhesive residues, a plastic putty knife or an old credit card can be gently used to scrape off the substance without damaging the tile’s surface.

For stains that don’t come off with scraping, apply a small amount of a mild, pH-neutral cleaning solution directly to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. After the solution has had time to penetrate, gently scrub with a soft-bristled brush to lift the stain without harming the tile.

  • Sweeping and Vacuuming

Begin by removing loose dirt and debris. Use a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum cleaner with a hard floor setting to avoid scratching the tiles.

This step is crucial for preventing abrasive particles from scratching your floors during the wet cleaning process. Ensure you pay special attention to corners and edges where dust tends to accumulate.

  • Mopping

After removing surface debris, it’s time to mop. Fill a bucket with hot water and a mild detergent or floor cleaner recommended for ceramic tiles. A microfiber mop or a chamois-style mop is preferable to a sponge mop, as it does not push dirty water into the grout lines.

Dip your mop into the solution, wring it out well, and mop the floor in sections. Start from the farthest corner of the room and work your way towards the exit to avoid walking on the cleaned areas. Change the water as it gets dirty to prevent spreading grime.

  • Grout Cleaning

Grout cleaning is essential for keeping your floors looking immaculate. Make a paste of baking soda and water, and apply it to the grout lines. Then, use your grout brush to scrub the grout gently.

For tougher stains, consider using a commercially available grout cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water. Rinse thoroughly with clean water to avoid leaving residue.

  • Sealing Your Grout for Long-lasting Cleanliness

After thoroughly cleaning your grout, seal it with a silicone-based sealer. This protective barrier significantly extends the cleanliness of your grout by preventing dirt, spills, and stains from penetrating the porous surface.

Apply the sealer according to the product instructions—usually once the grout is completely dry from cleaning. Regular reapplication, as recommended by the sealer manufacturer, will help maintain the grout’s resistance to stains and make future cleanings easier.

  • Drying

To avoid water spots and ensure that your ceramic tile floors are truly clean, it’s important to dry them after washing. This can be accomplished by using a clean, dry towel or a microfiber cloth to wipe up excess water.

In addition to removing water, this step helps to pick up any remaining dirt that was not captured by the mop. For large areas, a dry mop can speed up the process and help prevent streaks, offering your floors a shiny and spotless finish.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning

Cleaning ceramic tile floors improperly can lead to damage and dullness. Be aware of these common mistakes to ensure you’re caring for your floors correctly:

Using Too Much Water: While ceramic tiles are resistant to water, too much water during cleaning can seep into grout lines, leading to mould and mildew growth. Use a damp, not soaking wet mop for cleaning and ensure the floor dries quickly afterwards.

Overuse of Soap: Excessive soap can leave a residue on ceramic tiles, making them look dull and attracting more dirt. Use a small amount of mild detergent, and make sure to rinse the floor thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

Ignoring Grout: Neglecting the grout can lead to discolouration and damage. Ensure that grout cleaning is part of your regular cleaning regimen. Avoid using harsh scrubbers on grout as they can cause it to crumble or crack.

Skipping Sealing: Grout should be sealed periodically to guard against stains and moisture absorption. Failing to seal grout can make it more challenging to clean and maintain over time.

Using Harsh Abrasives: Steel wool or harsh scrubbing pads can scratch ceramic tiles and damage the surface. Always use soft cloths or sponges when cleaning tiles.


How often should I clean my ceramic tile floors?

Regular cleaning is key. Sweep or vacuum weekly to remove dirt and debris. For deeper cleaning, mop with a mild detergent solution every 1-2 weeks. Adjust the frequency based on foot traffic and soil accumulation to maintain a sparkling finish.

Is it safe to use bleach on ceramic tile floors?

While bleach effectively disinfects, it can damage grout and dull tile surfaces if not diluted properly. Use caution and dilute bleach according to manufacturer instructions. Test in a small, inconspicuous area first and rinse thoroughly to prevent damage and ensure safety.

How do I prevent grout discolouration on ceramic tile floors?

Preventative measures are key. Seal grout annually to repel stains and moisture. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can erode the grout and cause discolouration. Promptly clean spills and stains to prevent absorption into the grout. Regular maintenance will keep grout looking fresh and clean.


Cleaning ceramic tile floors shouldn’t be daunting. With the right techniques and tools, you can keep your ceramic tiles looking new and extend their lifespan. Start by removing loose dirt with a soft broom or vacuum, then mop using a PH-neutral cleaner or a homemade solution of vinegar and water to avoid leaving residues that could dull the tiles. Paying special attention to cleaning the grout will also enhance the overall appearance of your floors.

For tough stains, consider using oxygen bleach or baking soda paste for an effective, yet gentle cleaning. To prevent future stains and dirt accumulation, seal your grout after cleaning. And always remember, while DIY methods are effective for regular maintenance, professional cleaning services can offer that deep clean, making your ceramic tile floors look as good as new while saving you time and effort.

You can rely on Total Floor Service for effective tile cleaning Melbourne services. With years of experience, our technicians can easily handle any complex project and restore the shine of your ceramic tiles. So, discuss your project with our team and let us exceed your expectations!

Concrete Polishing Melbourne

Is Professional Tile Cleaning Worth it?

When it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy living environment, the importance of professional tile cleaning cannot be overstated. While DIY methods may seem appealing, several things could be improved surrounding the effectiveness of such approaches.

In this blog post, we will delve into the advantages of professional tile cleaning, the factors to consider when choosing such services, and a cost analysis comparing DIY and professional tile cleaning. By the end, you will understand why opting for professional tile cleaning Melbourne services is a worthwhile investment for individuals and businesses alike. 

The Advantages of Professional Tile Cleaning

Professional tile cleaning ensures a pristine surface, free from stubborn grime and bacteria, preserving the tile’s longevity while enhancing its aesthetic appeal. With expert techniques and equipment, it offers convenience and peace of mind, elevating your space’s cleanliness and hygiene standards. 

Superior Results

Professional tile cleaning services utilise advanced equipment and techniques that surpass the capabilities of DIY methods. The impact of this expertise is evident in the superior results achieved, both in terms of cleanliness and the longevity of the tiles. Using specialised cleaning solutions and high-powered equipment ensures cleanliness that is challenging to replicate through DIY efforts. Additionally, professional cleaning can address deep-seated grime and stains that may be difficult to remove without the appropriate tools and expertise. 

Time and Effort Savings 

Choosing professional tile cleaning offers numerous benefits, notably saving time and effort. Busy individuals and businesses can delegate tasks to experts, freeing up valuable time for other priorities. Whether it’s a home or a commercial property, the efficiency of professional services can be a game-changer, particularly in time-sensitive situations. This outsourcing ensures a thorough cleaning and allows for peace of mind, knowing that skilled professionals are handling the job. Ultimately, the convenience and effectiveness of professional tile cleaning contribute to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment without the hassle of doing it oneself. 

Tile Cleaning Melbourne

Health Benefits 

Dirty tiles pose health risks such as mould growth and allergen build-up. Professional tile cleaning tackles these issues, enhancing indoor air quality and promoting a healthier living or working space. Research indicates that clean tiles correlate with lower indoor air pollution levels, underscoring the importance of professional tile cleaning Melbourne and beyond for overall well-being. Investing in professional tile cleaning ensures a pristine appearance and safeguards against potential health hazards associated with unclean surfaces, ultimately contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment for occupants.

Protection of Investment

High-quality tiles represent a significant investment, and paying attention to their proper maintenance can lead to costly consequences. Regular professional tile cleaning not only preserves the aesthetic appeal of the tiles but also safeguards their integrity, preventing damage and preserving their value over time. By investing in professional maintenance, individuals and businesses can extend the lifespan of their tiles, ensuring that they continue to enhance the beauty and functionality of their spaces for years to come.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Professional Tile Cleaning Services

When selecting professional tile cleaning services, consider their experience, expertise, and reputation within the industry. Additionally, assess their range of services, eco-friendly practices, and customer reviews to comprehensively evaluate their suitability for your specific needs.

Reputation and Experience

When choosing a professional tile cleaning service, evaluating the company’s reputation and experience is paramount. Certifications, customer reviews, and a portfolio of past projects can provide valuable insights into the quality of service offered. By opting for a reputable and experienced provider, individuals and businesses can have confidence in the standard of work delivered. 

Services Offered 

Professional tile cleaning encompasses a range of services beyond basic cleaning, including grout cleaning, sealing, and restoration. Understanding the different services offered and their benefits is essential in making an informed decision. Whether restoring the lustre of aging tiles or addressing specific concerns such as grout discolouration, a comprehensive understanding of the available services is crucial. 

Cost Analysis – DIY vs. Professional Tile Cleaning

When weighing DIY versus professional tile cleaning, factor in the expenses for materials, equipment, and potential damages from improper cleaning techniques for an accurate cost analysis. Professional Tile Cleaning Melbourne services may entail an upfront investment, but the long-term benefits, including superior results and time saved, often outweigh the initial costs. 

Breakdown of Costs 

A comprehensive analysis reveals significant insights when evaluating the costs of DIY tile cleaning versus professional services. Initially, DIY methods may seem budget-friendly, but the overall expenditure can escalate when considering expenses like materials and equipment rental. 

Conversely, professional tile cleaning entails an upfront investment, yet it promises long-term savings and advantages that surpass the initial outlay. By opting for professional services, individuals and businesses ensure superior results and mitigate the risk of potential damage caused by improper cleaning techniques. 

Thus, while the immediate costs may differ, the value proposition of professional tile cleaning becomes evident when examining the broader financial and practical implications.

Long-Term Savings

A cost-benefit analysis showcases the value of investing in professional tile cleaning, demonstrating its potential for long-term savings. By proactively addressing maintenance needs, professional cleaning services prevent the need for costly repairs or premature replacements resulting from neglect. This proactive approach not only saves money but also preserves the integrity and longevity of the tiles.

The thorough cleaning techniques employed by professionals remove deep-seated grime and prevent the build-up of damaging substances, further extending the lifespan of the tiles. Additionally, maintaining the aesthetic appeal of tiled surfaces through regular cleaning enhances the property’s overall value. 

In essence, while the initial investment in professional cleaning may seem like an expense, it ultimately translates into substantial savings over time by mitigating the need for expensive repairs and replacements while prolonging the life and attractiveness of the tiles.

Wrapping Up

The comparison between professional tile cleaning and DIY methods leads to a clear conclusion: professional services offer unparalleled benefits and value. From the impeccable results and time saved to the enhanced health benefits and long-term savings, professional tile cleaning stands out as the superior choice.

Maintaining pristine tiles is crucial for both aesthetics and hygiene in our spaces. Opting for professional tile cleaning services, such as those offered by Total Floor Service, ensures thorough cleaning and prolonged durability. Our professionals possess the expertise to employ various cleaning techniques and properly prepare and maintain your tiles. So, choose our professionals for exceptional tile cleaning Melbourne services tailored to your needs. Reach out with our experts today and witness the transformative difference in your tile surfaces.

Floor Sanding Geelong

Deck Restoration Tips You Must Know for An Outdoor Oasis

Building a wooden deck for your outdoor area is a great idea, expanding your living space and potentially increasing your property value. However, being exposed to the weather, your wooden deck can lose its initial perfection over time.

As the years go by, decks can get worn and develop cracks and weather due to rain, sleet, snow, and sun exposure. The wood may warp, rot, dry out, or change colour, making the outdoor surface unattractive and uncomfortable to walk on.

But restoring decking timber can easily turn it into a stunning and inviting outdoor space. In this guide, we’ve highlighted some essential tips for restoring your deck that you should keep in mind.

Tips to Restore Your Weathered Deck

Restoring decking timber is a great project you can do alone or with a partner, ensuring a noticeable and satisfying facelift of your outdoor space. It requires a small budget but greatly impacts your property and its value, especially when you are considering selling your house.

If you don’t have the time or equipment or need structural repairs, consider hiring a decking restoration Melbourne professional. But if it’s just a cosmetic issue and you’re up for the challenge, our guide on restoring weathered decks can help you through it.

Here are some extra tips to remember while restoring your deck:

Applying Protective Finishes

To maintain your deck’s appearance, it’s important to use the right finishes. These finishes, like stains, sealers, or paints, not only enhance your deck’s aesthetics but also protect it from the weather. Choosing the right finish depends on factors like the type of wood, your local climate, and the look you want.

Floor Sanding Melbourne

Picking a good-quality finish that suits your deck’s needs can really make it last longer and stay visually appealing. Whether you want to show off the natural wood grain with a clear sealer or add some colour with a semi-transparent stain, the right finish can elevate your outdoor space.

Upgrading and Enhancing

Besides just restoring your decking timber, think about taking it a step further with upgrades and enhancements. Add some ambient lighting for evenings, make the railings safer and more attractive, or use long-lasting composite decking materials. These improvements don’t just restore your deck; they turn it into a fantastic outdoor spot.

By using modern features and materials, you not only improve the deck’s functionality but also create a cool outdoor space that shows off your personal style. So, these upgrades not only bring your deck back to life but also make your outdoor experience much more enjoyable.

Protecting Against Harsh Weather

Routine maintenance is extremely important for your deck’s looks and functionality. Regularly check for loose boards, sticking-out nails, or any signs of decay. Clean the deck surface well to get rid of dirt, mildew, and other stuff that could harm it.

Also, consider investing in protective accessories to make your deck resilient against the weather. Deck covers or awnings can protect it from sunlight and heavy rain, preventing long-term damage. Furniture covers are also important to keep your outdoor furniture safe, so it stays in good condition even when it’s exposed to different weather conditions.


Utilising Eco-Friendly Options

Instead of using harsh chemicals and unsustainable materials, try eco-friendly options to revive your deck and contribute to the planet. Instead of new wood, use salvaged wood from old structures like barns. This not only adds charm to your deck but also reduces the need to cut down more trees and minimises waste in landfills.

In addition to reclaimed wood, consider using plants that are sustainable and require low maintenance. Pick native plants that fit your area’s climate, needing less water and care. This not only improves the aesthetics of your outdoor space but also supports local ecosystems.


Wearing Personal Protective Equipment

When restoring your deck, it’s important to be aware of potential dangers like splinters, strong chemicals, and flying debris. To keep yourself safe, wearing protective gear is a must. Get sturdy gloves to shield your hands from splinters, and wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from bits of wood and chemicals.

Working on your deck can release dust and fumes that can be harmful to your breathing. To avoid breathing in these particles, use a good dust mask or respirator. It’s also a good idea to wear earplugs or earmuffs to keep your hearing safe while you work.

Using protective gear isn’t just about personal safety; it also helps your tools last longer. Sturdy work boots will keep your feet safe and provide good grip, and knee pads can make kneeling or crouching more comfortable during longer work sessions.


Sprucing up your outdoor space with deck restoration is a rewarding project that improves both the appearance and usability. Keep these important tips in mind, and you’ll be ready to give your deck a new lease on life, making it a cozy spot for relaxation and good times.

Consistent care and preventive steps are crucial for keeping your outdoor haven looking its best. However, restoring a deck takes a significant amount of time, especially if you’re tackling it alone or without experience. If you’re not familiar with deck construction or repairs, it’s smart to consult a Decking Restoration Melbourne professional for an opinion on your deck’s current condition. They can help you figure out if a restoration is possible or if it’s better to opt for a complete rebuild.

For professional assistance, you can rely on Total Floor Service. We have a team of highly skilled professionals specialising in deck installation and restoration. Reach out to our team, and let us make a space that you will love and enjoy once again!

Concrete Polishing Melbourne

How Much Does Professional Tile Cleaning Cost In 2024

Tiles add aesthetic appeal to our homes, but over time, they can accumulate dirt, grime, and stains, detracting from their original lustre. 

Professional Tile cleaning Melbourne is the solution to revive the beauty of your tiles, but the cost can vary based on several factors. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of professional tile cleaning costs in 2024.

Factors Influencing Tile Cleaning Costs

  1. Type of Tiles

 The type of tiles in your home plays a significant role in determining the cost of professional cleaning. 

Different tiles, such as ceramic, porcelain, natural stone, or specialty tiles like mosaic or glass, require varying cleaning methods. 

Some materials are more delicate and may demand specialised products and techniques, affecting the overall cost.

  1. Size of the Area

The size of the area to be cleaned is a crucial factor in estimating the cost of professional tile cleaning. 

Larger spaces will naturally require more time, effort, and resources. Cleaning companies often charge per square foot, so the bigger the area, the higher the cost.

  1. Extent of Stains and Dirt

 The dirt and stains on your tiles also influence the cost of professional cleaning. 

Stubborn stains or deeply embedded grime may require additional treatments, specialised cleaning agents, or more time, impacting the overall cost. 

Communicate any specific concerns with the cleaning professionals to get an accurate estimate.

  1. Geographical Location

 The cost of professional tile cleaning Melbourne can vary based on your geographical location. Prices in urban areas might be higher due to increased demand and operating costs. 

Conversely, in rural areas, where the cost of living is lower, you may find more competitive rates. It’s essential to consider regional pricing trends when budgeting for tile cleaning services.

Floor Polishing

Breaking Down the Costs

Now that we’ve explored the factors influencing professional tile cleaning costs let’s break down the expenses associated with this service.

  1. Labor Costs

 Professional tile cleaning involves skilled labour, and the cost of hiring experienced technicians is a significant component. 

The expertise of the professionals, combined with the time they spend on the job, contributes to the overall labour cost.

  1. Materials and Equipment

Cleaning companies use a variety of cleaning agents, sealers, and specialised equipment to ensure the best results. 

The cost of these materials, along with the maintenance and depreciation of equipment, is factored into the overall pricing.

  1. Additional Services

Some tile cleaning services may include additional treatments such as grout cleaning, sealing, or tile polishing. 

Each of these services incurs an extra cost. Discuss with the cleaning professionals to determine which additional services are necessary for your tiles and include them in the overall estimate.

  1. Travel and Overhead

The company’s overhead costs, including travel expenses to and from your location, are considered in the pricing. These costs may include fuel, vehicle maintenance, insurance, and other operational expenses.

Wrapping Up

Investing in professional tile cleaning Melbourne is a worthwhile endeavour to maintain the longevity and aesthetics of your tiles. 

While the cost may seem like an additional expense, the benefits of a clean and rejuvenated floor far outweigh the financial outlay.  As you enhance your living space, understanding the factors influencing ‘how much does professional tile cleaning cost’ empowers you to make informed decisions. 

It ensures a seamless and satisfying experience with your chosen cleaning professionals in 2024. Total Floor Service effortlessly identifies the most effective techniques for each space. Our carpet steam cleaning service ensures that your carpets are left spotless and rejuvenated, making them look as good as new in no time!

concrete polishing Melbourne

How To Clean Tiles After Construction: 7 Proven Tile Cleaning Tips

So, the construction chaos is finally over, and your new tile floors are in, but now what? Are the tiles looking a little grimy after all the work? Don’t worry, you’ve got this. Getting your tiles sparkling clean again is easier than you think if you follow a few tried-and-true Tile Cleaning Melbourne tips. 

In just a short time, you’ll have your tiles looking as good as new and wondering why you didn’t do this sooner. Ready to get your tiles back in tip-top shape? Follow these 7 proven tile cleaning tips, and you’ll be well on your way to cleaner, shinier tiles in no time. Let’s get started!

Tip 1: Remove Construction Debris

To start, you’ll want to sweep away any leftover dust, dirt or debris from the construction process. Use a broom, dustpan and damp mop or cloth to wipe away anything clinging to the tile surface. For stubborn messes, you may need to scrub a bit harder with an abrasive sponge or scrubber.

Vacuum up the larger particles with a shop vac or vacuum with strong suction. Pay extra attention to the grout lines and crevices where grime can hide. Use the hose or crevice tool to suck up debris along the edges and in corners.

For tile floors, consider renting an industrial floor scrubber to clean the entire area thoroughly. Their powerful brushes and vacuum suction can lift away layers of built-up filth in a single pass.

Mop the tiles with a mixture of warm water and either vinegar or a degreasing dish soap once you’ve swept and vacuumed. Change your mop water frequently as you work to avoid just pushing around dirt and grime.

Professional Floor Polishing Geelong

Rinse the tiles with clean water to remove any remaining residue and let air dry completely before allowing foot traffic on the floors. Your tiles should now be fresh, clean and ready for their first sealant or wax to protect them from future stains and damage. With a little elbow grease, you can get your new tile installation sparkling in no time!

Tip 2: Vacuum or Sweep the Tiles

Once construction is done, your tiles are covered in a layer of grime and debris. Vacuuming or sweeping is key to removing the bulk of it before mopping.

Using a vacuum with proper attachments or a broom, thoroughly sweep all tile floors to pick up dirt, sawdust, and other loose particles. Be meticulous and get into corners and edges for the best result. For stubborn debris caught in grout lines, use a scrub brush, toothbrush, or tile grout cleaning tool to loosen before vacuuming.

Tile floors can scratch easily, so make sure any vacuums, brushes or brooms you use have soft bristles. Canister vacuums with specialised bare floor attachments, microfiber dusting pads, and soft-bristled tile brooms are ideal options and help prevent damage to your investment.

Once swept, your tiles will be largely grit-free and ready for deep cleaning and mopping. Mopping tiles when there is still debris present just moves dirt and grit around and can lead to scratches. 

By taking the time to sweep and prep your tiles thoroughly, you’ll get them sparkling clean without damage. Your patience will pay off – just look at how those tiles shine!

Tip 3: Use a pH-neutral Cleaner

For tile cleaning after construction, using a pH-neutral cleaner is key. A neutral cleaner will thoroughly clean tiles without damaging them. Look for a tile cleaning products specifically meant for cleaning tiles, such as a tile or grout cleaner. If using a multi-purpose tile cleaning products, check that it’s safe for use on tiles and grout and has a neutral pH of around 7.

Some good options for pH-neutral tile cleaners include:

  • Hydrogen peroxide-based cleaners: Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleaching agent that brightens and disinfects without damaging tiles or grout. Look for a product with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Vinegar and water: For a natural solution, mix equal parts white vinegar and water. The vinegar helps cut through grime and soap scum without damaging most tile surfaces. Do a patch test first to ensure it’s safe for your tiles.
  • Baking soda: Make a paste from baking soda and water and scrub tiles with the paste using a sponge or non-abrasive scrubber. Rinse well with water. Baking soda is a gentle abrasive that can help lift away stubborn dirt and stains.
  • Commercial tile cleaners: Products like Tilex, Clorox Tile & Grout Cleaner and Zep Grout Cleaner are formulated to be pH-neutral and safe for most tiles and grout. Follow the directions to dilute the product as needed.

Using a pH-neutral cleaner, along with hot water and elbow grease, will have your tiles sparkling clean in no time after construction without damage. Be sure to rinse tiles and mop floors thoroughly when done cleaning to remove any remaining residue.

Tip 4: Scrub Grout Lines

The grout lines between tiles are prone to grime buildup during construction. Give your grout a good scrubbing to get your tiles sparkling clean.

Use an abrasive sponge or scrubber along with a commercial tile and grout cleaner or a natural solution of baking soda and water. Scrub the grout lines in small sections at a time, rinsing thoroughly with water as you go. For tough stains in the grout, make a paste from baking soda and water and let it sit before scrubbing.

Be sure to rinse the entire area with water to remove any remaining dirt or cleaning solution residue when scrubbing. Once clean, you may want to apply a sealant to the grout lines to protect them from future stains. Re-sealing grout every 6-12 months will help keep your tile floors or walls looking their best.

Taking the time to scrub grout lines after construction will ensure your new tile installation looks as good as new for years to come. 

Tip 5: Rinse Thoroughly

After cleaning the tiles, it’s critical to rinse them well with water to remove any remaining dirt or cleaning solution residue. Leftover grime and chemicals can damage the tile over time or leave unsightly marks if not properly rinsed away.

Pour fresh water over the entire tiled area and use a sponge or mop to wipe away the water and lift any remaining debris. You may need to repeat this rinsing process several times to ensure all tiles are clean. For textured or porous tiles like natural stone, grout lines and crevices may require extra attention during rinsing to penetrate deeper into the tile.

Once you’ve rinsed the tiles to your satisfaction, use a squeegee, towel or mop to wipe the tiles and eliminate any remaining water pools. Allow 24 to 48 hours for the tiles to air dry completely. Avoid walking on wet tiles during this time to prevent slip hazards and allow moisture to escape from under tile edges or in grout lines.

Freshly cleaned tiles make a space feel bright, open and rejuvenated. Take your time with the rinsing and drying steps—your attention to detail will be well worth the effort.

Tip 6: Dry the Tiles

Once you’ve cleaned the tiles, it’s important to dry them completely to avoid water spots and streaks. Leaving excess moisture on tiles can lead to mildew growth, discolouration, and other damage.

Use rags or microfiber cloths

Grab some clean rags, towels or microfiber cloths and gently blot tiles to absorb as much water as possible. Don’t scrub the tiles at this point, just lightly pat them dry. Microfiber is very effective at absorbing moisture and is lint-free, so it won’t leave behind little fibres. For stubborn water spots, you may need to gently wipe them away with a damp rag or cloth.

Squeegee edges and grout lines

Use a rubber squeegee to wipe away water from edges, corners and grout lines where rags can’t reach. Pull the squeegee down tile edges at an angle to direct water off the surface. Wipe the squeegee blade with a rag periodically to keep it clean.

Blow dry with air mover

For large tile jobs or areas where water has pooled, use an air mover like a carpet fan or utility fan to speed up drying. Keep the air mover at a distance and on a lower setting, then slowly move it closer to the tiles. The moving air will evaporate surface moisture and circulate air under and around tiles.

Check for remaining dampness

Do a final check of tiles with your hand to ensure all areas are dry before allowing foot traffic. Any remaining moisture can lead to slips and falls, especially on smooth tiles. Give tiles at least 2 to 3 hours of drying time before walking on them. It’s best to do tile cleaning Melbourne and drying when you have adequate time, and the space won’t be used for a while.

Tip 7: Apply Sealer (Optional)

Once your tile installation is complete, applying a sealant is an optional final step. A sealant, like a tile sealer or stone sealer, helps protect the surface from stains and damage. For most DIYers and homeowners, a sealant may not be necessary, but it can help improve the longevity and appearance of your tiles.

Why Apply a Sealant?

A sealant protects tiles from staining by creating a protective barrier. It helps prevent grout haze and allows for easier cleaning of tiles. A sealant also enhances the natural beauty of tiles like travertine, slate, and limestone by enriching colours and bringing out character. For high-traffic, high-moisture areas like showers, a sealant is recommended to prevent water damage.

Applying the Sealant

Carefully follow the directions on your product for proper application. Make sure the tile surface is clean and dry before applying the sealer. Apply at least two coats of sealant for the best protection, waiting for it to dry in between coats. Ventilate and avoid walking on tiles during the drying time. Once cured, your tiles will be protected and ready to showcase!

DIY vs. Professional Tile Cleaning Services

Whether to hire tile cleaning professional team or tackle the job yourself is a question many homeowners face after construction. DIY tile cleaning after construction can save money but requires time, effort, and the right knowledge and equipment. Tile cleaning professional services may cost more upfront but can offer a deep, sparkling clean without frustration.

DIY Tile Cleaning

If you’re on a budget or enjoy hands-on work, DIY tile cleaning is doable. You’ll need protective gear like gloves, goggles and a dust mask, plus tile-specific cleaners, degreasers, scrub brushes, mops, and vacuums. Scrub away grime and debris with a degreaser like ammonia or dish soap and hot water. For stuck-on messes, use an abrasive sponge or scrubber. Mop the tiles and grout lines thoroughly when scrubbing is done. Finally, buff tiles with a microfiber cloth to make them shine.

Professional Tile Cleaning Services

For busy homeowners or difficult cleaning jobs, professional tile cleaning Melbourne service is worthwhile. They have the proper training, tools, and cleaning solutions to deep clean and restore your tiles. Professionals can also re-grout, re-caulk and seal tiles if needed. They’ll scrub tiles, clean grout lines, and use commercial equipment like steam cleaners to sanitise tiles. The results will leave your tiles looking brand new without the hassle.

DIY cleaning requires more effort but can save money if you have the time. For the best results, professional tile cleaning Melbourne service is ideal. Your tiles will stay bright and clean for years to come.


There you have it. Hopefully, these 7 tile cleaning tips after construction will help you successfully get your tiles sparkling clean. 

Now roll up your sleeves, grab those supplies and get scrubbing. Your tiles will be looking brand new in no time. And once you’re done, stand back and admire your handiwork. All that hard work will be so worth it when you see how bright and shiny your tiles look. You’ve got this! 

With some elbow grease and perseverance, cleaning tiles after construction will ensure long-lasting results. For a truly professional finish, consider hiring Total Floor Service, a trusted name in professional tile cleaning Melbourne service. Our expertise and specialised equipment can make your tiles look as good as new without the hassle. 

Say goodbye to post-construction grime and hello to sparkling, pristine tiles!

Tile Cleaning Melbourne

Things You Should Know About Porcelain Tiles Cleaning

Porcelain tiles are a popular choice for flooring and surfaces due to their durability, and resistance to stains and moisture. However, proper cleaning is essential to maintain their appearance and longevity. 

Choosing the right cleaning products, proper Tile Cleaning Melbourne techniques, and preventive maintenance tips for porcelain tiles. Let’s dive in!

Importance of Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining the appearance and longevity of porcelain tiles. Neglecting proper cleaning practices can result in a dull or discoloured surface, compromising the overall aesthetic appeal of your tiles. 

Additionally, allowing dirt, grime, and stains to accumulate on the tiles can make the cleaning process more challenging and time-consuming. 

By incorporating regular cleaning into your maintenance routine, you can preserve the beauty and durability of your porcelain tiles for years to come.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Products

When it comes to cleaning porcelain tiles, it is essential to choose the right products to avoid damaging the surface or grout. Harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners, or acidic solutions can cause etching or scratching on the tiles. 

Tile Cleaning Melbourne

To ensure safe and effective cleaning, opt for mild, pH-neutral cleaners specifically designed for porcelain tiles. 

These cleaners are gentle enough to remove dirt and stains without compromising the integrity of the tiles. Avoid using bleach or ammonia-based cleaners as they can discolour the grout lines.

Proper Cleaning Techniques

  1. Sweeping or Vacuuming

To keep your porcelain tiles free from loose dirt and debris, it is recommended to sweep or vacuum them regularly. 

Use a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to avoid scratching the surface of the tiles. 

Sweeping or vacuuming should be done at least once a week or more frequently in high-traffic areas.

  1. Mopping

Mopping is an effective way to deep clean porcelain tiles and remove any remaining dirt or stains. Start by sweeping or vacuuming to remove loose debris. 

Then, fill a bucket with warm water and mix in a gentle detergent or a specialized tile cleaner. Avoid using excessive water that could seep into the grout lines and cause damage. 

Dip a mop or microfiber cloth into the cleaning solution, wring out any excess moisture, and mop the tiles in a back-and-forth motion. 

Rinse the mop or cloth frequently and change the water as needed.

  1. Spot Cleaning

Despite regular cleaning, occasional stains may occur on porcelain tiles. It is important to address these stains promptly to prevent them from setting in. 

Different stains require different cleaning techniques. For grease stains, use a gentle degreaser or a mixture of warm water and dish soap. 

Always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire stain.

Preventive Maintenance Tips

In addition to regular cleaning, there are preventive measures you can take to keep your porcelain tiles looking their best for longer periods:

Use mats or rugs: 

Place mats or rugs in high traffic areas, such as entryways or in front of kitchen sinks, to reduce wear and tear on the tiles. These mats or rugs will help trap dirt and prevent it from being spread across the tiles.

Promptly address spills or stains: 

Accidents happen, and when they do, it is important to clean up spills or stains immediately. Blot the affected area with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb the liquid before it has a chance to seep into the tiles or grout lines.

Regularly seal grout lines: 

The grout lines between porcelain tiles are prone to staining and discoloration. Regularly sealing the grout lines with a grout sealer can help prevent stains and make cleaning easier.

Summing Up

Keeping your porcelain tiles clean is essential for maintaining their beauty and durability. By understanding the unique properties of porcelain tiles, emphasizing the importance of regular tile cleaning Melbourne, and choosing the right cleaning products, you can ensure your porcelain tiles remain in pristine condition for years to come. 

So choose Total Floor Service to maintain and enhance the beauty of your floors. Our goal is to ensure that your floors not only look impeccable but also withstand the test of time.


Tile Cleaning Melbourne

How to Deep Clean Tile Floors: Your Ultimate Guide

A clean and happy home is all we want, but it can be tough to keep things spotless, especially with a large family. Regular cleaning is the best way to maintain the shine of your tile floors, but sometimes, basic cleaning tools like brooms and mops don’t cut it.

Tile floors are exposed to a lot of wear & tear, from scuffs caused by constant foot traffic to spills that stain the tiles and grout. Sometimes, even scrubbing isn’t enough for the toughest cleaning jobs.

So, when it comes to deep cleaning tile floors, the key is to work smarter, not harder.

Here, we will help you learn how to deep clean tile floors and achieve spotless results. So, let’s get going step by step:

Steps for Deep Cleaning Tile Floors

Regularly sweeping and mopping your tile floors will take care of the majority of your cleaning needs. However, every now and then, when you notice the grout lines become discoloured and the initial shine getting faded, it’s time for deep cleaning.

While the Tile Cleaning Melbourne process isn’t too complex, there are specific details you must consider to achieve the best possible results.

  • Remove Dirt and Dust

The first thing you need to do is clean your tile floors, which is simple but very important.

To get rid of dirt and dust, there are two steps: sweeping and vacuuming.

Start by using a soft broom with flexible bristles to sweep the entire area. This type of broom is gentle on your tile and won’t cause damage. Avoid using brooms with stiff, coarse bristles or straw bristles. You can use either an angled or push broom or one made for smooth surfaces. It’s also a good idea to use a plastic dustpan, not a metal one, to avoid scratching the tile.

After sweeping thoroughly, vacuum cleaners pick up any remaining dirt or dust.

Canister vacuums are a great choice for this job because they have special attachments for cleaning tile and other hard floors. They also come with smaller tools that make it easier to clean corners and tricky spots.

Avoid using an upright vacuum unless it’s specifically designed for tile floors. Upright vacuums often have brush bars with rough bristles that can harm your tiles.

Tile Cleaning Melbourne

  • Choose the Right Cleaner for Your Tiles

Before you start cleaning your tile floors, you need to choose a suitable cleaner.

You will get multiple options based on the type of your tiles and their condition. Some cleaners might work on everything, and others might be only useful for certain conditions. Here are three major tile cleaning solutions you should consider:


Chemical Products

Chemical cleaning products, which often contain strong ingredients like bleach and ammonia, are popular choices for cleaning tasks. They are the most preferred cleaners because of their exceptional cleaning properties that can easily disinfect surfaces and break down tough stains.

However, it’s important to know that these products can potentially harm your health. The chemicals, especially ammonia and the strong smells they produce, can cause problems if you’re exposed to them for too long. This may include eye and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and even skin allergies.

To protect yourself when using these products, it’s a good idea to wear rubber gloves and a mask to reduce the risk to your health.

Natural Solutions

If you want to avoid using chemical cleaning products and protect your health, you can try natural alternatives. Some good options are mixing baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and using white vinegar with warm water.

These natural ingredients work just as well as store-bought cleaners. For example, a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can make tiles and grout white, like bleach does. Vinegar is also great for cleaning and disinfecting non-carbonate tiles because of its acid properties.

Dry Solutions

If you’re having minor stains and cleaning concerns like scuffs and spills, dry solutions can be just as effective for serious cleaning tasks. These liquid cleaning options are excellent if you need to swiftly and thoroughly clean a specific area on your tile floor.

  • Clean the Tiles

When cleaning marble and similar tile surfaces, avoid acid-based cleaners, as they can cause discolouration and damage to your flooring. Instead, opt for a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Apply this solution to the floor using a mop or a clean cloth. Finish the cleaning process using a steam mop to disinfect the surface and remove any remaining dust and dirt.

For ceramic tile floors, porcelain, and other similar tile surfaces, the most effective solution is to use bleach, ammonia, or other acidic cleaners such as calcium lime rust. If you prefer natural alternatives, consider using sodium bicarbonate powder, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, or citric acids.

To apply these cleaning solutions, use a clean mop, rag, or a similar cleaning tool that allows for generous application on the surface.

If the condition of your tiles requires too much efforts or is complicated, consulting tile cleaning Melbourne experts is always a good option.

  • Clean Grout Lines

Grout possesses exceptional porous properties, making it a magnet for grease, grime, and dirt. This can happen due to either the absence of a proper sealant or the gradual degradation of an existing sealant. Regardless of the cause, there are straightforward methods to restore its cleanliness.

For this task, you’ll require a handheld brush with stiff, preferably nylon bristles. When scrubbing, take care not to exert excessive force, as it could harm your grout.

Cleaning grout demands getting down on the floor, so consider buying a comfortable knee pad, especially if your home has a lot of tile flooring.

Here are several techniques for effectively cleaning grout:

  1. Water: Begin by spraying warm water on the grout and then gently scrub it with a stiff-bristle brush or a firm toothbrush that matches the grout width. Finish by rinsing with clean, warm water. This method is suitable for all types of tile.
  2. Vinegar and Water: Mix equal parts of white or cleaning vinegar with warm water in a spray bottle. Direct the spray onto the grout lines, let it sit for five minutes, and then scrub. Thoroughly rinse with clean, warm water. Do not use vinegar on stone tiles like slate, granite, marble, soapstone, or limestone.
  3. Baking Soda Paste and Vinegar: Create a paste using baking soda and water, covering the grout lines. Follow this with a spray of a solution made of half water and half vinegar. Once the foaming stops, scrub and rinse with warm, clean water. Avoid using vinegar near stone tiles like slate, granite, marble, soapstone, or limestone.
  4. Hydrogen Peroxide: Apply hydrogen peroxide directly to the grout or create a paste with baking soda. This technique is suitable for all types of tiles.
  5. Oxygen Bleach: Make a paste by mixing water with oxygen bleach and applying it to the grout lines. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then scrub for stubborn stains and rinse with clean, warm water. This method works for all types of tile.

Alternatively, you can opt for a grout cleaning product specifically designed for your floor type. When selecting one, aim for a neutral product with a pH of 7 that doesn’t contain harsh chemicals. Also, avoid products with dyes, as they may change the colour of your grout.


  • Remove Stubborn Stains 

If you’ve got a tough stain on your tile from things like paint, oil, wax, or pet messes, you should try to clean it as soon as possible to improve your chances of removal.

Sometimes, a regular cleaner might work, but you must be careful with certain types of tile.

A good option for cleaning stains on all types of tiles is hydrogen peroxide. It’s great for stains from things like coffee, tea, juice, ink, markers, or foods like beets and pomegranates. After cleaning the tile, dab (not wipe) the stain with hydrogen peroxide using a lint-free cloth.

If you have a stain from oil-based stuff like food or paint, start by pouring club soda on it and then rinse with water. You can also try a liquid cleaner with bleach, ammonia, mineral spirits, or acetone. Never mix bleach and ammonia because it’s dangerous. Pick one of them, gently blot the stain, and rinse with clean water.

For iron or rust stains, use a poultice. It’s made by mixing a white absorbent material like baking soda with a liquid cleaning agent. This paste will pull the stain out of the tile. You can also use white cotton or gauze. Sometimes, it takes about 24 hours to work.

If you’ve got a small paint stain, you can use lacquer thinner to weaken it and then gently scrape it off with a razor. But for bigger stains, you might need a stronger paint thinner. Always protect your hands, eyes, nose, and mouth when using these chemicals. Follow the instructions on the product and test a small area first to see how it affects the tile.

In some cases, especially with stubborn stains like rust, you might have to call a professional. Some stains are really hard to remove with DIY methods.


  • Mop the Floor

The choice of mop can make a significant difference in your cleaning process.

It’s best to avoid sponge mops as they absorb dirty water and then spread it back onto your tiles and grout. Instead, opt for a microfiber or chamois-style mop, a flat mop, or a cloth, or even use a soft, lint-free cloth on your hands and knees for optimal results.

If you’re cleaning with warm water and mild soap or a specific cleaning solution designed for your type of tile, make sure to change the water regularly. Continually pushing around dirty water will defeat the purpose of cleaning and leave your tiles looking cloudy.

For those using a spray cleaner, avoid over-saturating the floor. Clean and spray your floor section by section, and rinse with warm water as necessary.

If you notice a haze on your tiles after mopping, consider flushing with water again or using an all-purpose cleaner suitable for your flooring type.

During the mopping process, use a gentle back-and-forth motion. Start in one corner and work your way backward to the opposite side of the room to prevent walking on freshly cleaned areas. You can also use disposable booties over your shoes to avoid tracking dirt as you clean.


  • Dry the Floor

After you’ve completed the mopping and wiping, it’s essential to dry it.

Leaving it to air dry naturally may result in unsightly water spots and streaks. Moreover, the grout can absorb stagnant water, leading to eventual expansion and cracking.

Right after cleaning, grab a lint-free cloth to dry and polish the floor. You can use your foot to gently move the cloth across the tiles, employing either a back-and-forth or circular motion until the entire floor is thoroughly dried.


How often should I deep clean my tile floors?

Deep cleaning tile floors every 6-12 months is recommended, but frequency depends on foot traffic. Regular sweeping and mopping can extend the time between deep cleans.

Can I use regular household cleaners on tile floors?

It’s safe to use regular household cleaners on tile floors, but be cautious with acidic or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage grout or the tile’s finish. Opt for pH-neutral or tile-specific cleaners.

Should I hire a professional for deep cleaning my tile floors?

Hiring a professional for deep cleaning is advisable, especially if your tiles have stubborn stains or grime. Professionals have specialised equipment and expertise for thorough, safe cleaning.

How can I maintain the shine and lustre of my tile floors after deep cleaning?

To maintain shine and lustre, avoid abrasive scrubbers and acidic cleaners. Regular sweeping and gentle mopping with a pH-neutral cleaner will preserve your tile floors. Consider applying a sealer for added protection.

How long does it typically take to deep clean tile floors in a standard-sized room?

Deep cleaning a standard-sized room typically takes 2-4 hours. Factors like room size, level of dirt, and drying time may vary, but professionals can provide a more precise estimate.


Summing It Up

Taking care of your tile floors isn’t just a chore; it’s an investment in your home’s beauty and durability. Our step-by-step guide for deep cleaning tile floors has helped you make your living space look fantastic without much effort.

From picking up the right products to applying the best cleaning methods, we have covered it all.

Remember, a clean floor not only makes your home look better but also keeps it healthier and more hygienic. So, follow our tips and see your tile floors shine and give your home a fresh new look.

And if you need assistance of tile cleaning Melbourne professionals, you can trust Total Floor Service for spotless results. Our team has vast experience in deep cleaning tile floors and utilises advanced tools to ensure customer satisfaction. Reach out to us and experience the difference yourself!

tile cleaning Melbourne

How to Clean Tiles After Construction: Tips and Tricks

  • The new tiles in your space are undoubtedly a stunning addition, promising both aesthetic appeal and durability. However, before you can fully enjoy the fruits of your labour, there’s a critical task i.e.– cleaning those tiles after construction.

Cleaning tiles after construction isn’t just about making them sparkle; it’s about ensuring their longevity and preserving their pristine appearance. The process of tile cleaning Melbourne might seem like a daunting chore, but fret not! 

 However, it is essential to clean tiles properly to maintain their beauty and longevity. In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to ensure that your tile cleaning process is effective and safe.

Preparing for Tile Cleaning

Before you start the tile cleaning Melbourne process, there are a few things you need to do to prepare. Get all the equipment and supplies together first. This could consist of a mop, a bucket, a vacuum, a soft-bristle broom, cleaning agents, gloves, and safety goggles. The cleaning process will be more effective if everything is prepared beforehand. 

tile cleaning Melbourne

Safety should be a top priority when cleaning tiles after construction. Make sure to wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, to avoid any injuries or health hazards. Additionally, keep the area well-ventilated by opening windows or using fans to prevent the buildup of fumes from cleaning solutions.

Removing Surface Debris

The first step in cleaning tiles after construction is to remove any surface debris. Start by sweeping or vacuuming the area to get rid of loose dirt and dust. This will prevent the dirt from spreading and scratching the tiles during the cleaning process. For larger debris, use a soft-bristle broom or brush to gently scrub it away.

Dealing with Stubborn Stains

Construction work can often leave behind stubborn stains on tiles. To effectively remove these stains, it is crucial to identify the type of stain before choosing a cleaning method. Different stains require different approaches.

For grout stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can be used as a natural and effective cleaning solution. Apply the mixture to the stained area and scrub gently with a toothbrush or grout brush. Rinse with water and repeat if necessary.

Paint stains can be particularly challenging to remove. If the paint is still wet, use a damp cloth or sponge to blot the area gently. If the paint has dried, a commercial paint remover may be required. Follow the instructions on the paint remover and ensure proper ventilation during the process.

Adhesive stains can be tackled by applying a small amount of acetone or adhesive remover to a cloth and gently rubbing the stain. Be cautious with the amount of acetone used, as it can damage certain tile surfaces. Always test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area first.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Solution

When it comes to choosing a cleaning solution for your tiles, there are several options available in the market. It is essential to select a product that is safe for your specific tile material and effective in removing dirt and stains. Look for cleaners specifically designed for tiles and grout, as they are formulated to be gentle yet effective.

If you prefer eco-friendly options or want to save some money, homemade cleaning solutions can also be a great alternative. For example, a mixture of vinegar and water can be used to clean tiles and remove grime. Simply mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle, spray it onto the tiles, and wipe clean with a cloth or mop.

Proper Cleaning Techniques

Now that you have chosen the right cleaning solution, it’s time to learn the proper cleaning techniques. Start by testing the cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the tile surface to ensure compatibility. If there are no adverse reactions, you can proceed with cleaning the rest of the tiles.

For general tile cleaning Melbourne, mix the cleaning solution according to the instructions provided. Apply the solution to the tiles and let it sit for a few minutes to loosen dirt and stains. Use a mop or a soft-bristle brush to scrub the tiles gently. Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue.

Special Considerations for Different Tile Materials

Different tile materials require different care and cleaning techniques. Here are some guidelines to help you clean various tile materials:

 Ceramic tiles: Ceramic tiles are relatively easy to clean. Use a mild detergent mixed with warm water and a soft sponge or mop to clean ceramic tiles. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh cleaners that can damage the glaze.

Porcelain tiles: Porcelain tiles last a long time and are stain-resistant. Use a neutral pH cleaner or a mixture of warm water and mild detergent to clean porcelain tiles. Avoid using abrasive materials or cleaners containing bleach.

Natural stone tiles: Natural stone tiles, such as marble, granite, and travertine, require special care. Utilise a pH-neutral cleanser designed especially for natural stone. Avoid acidic or abrasive cleaners that can etch or scratch the surface. Additionally, make sure to dry the tiles thoroughly after cleaning to prevent water spots or damage.

Post-Cleaning Care and Maintenance

After cleaning your tiles, it is essential to rinse them thoroughly with clean water to remove any cleaning solution residue. This will prevent any potential damage or discolouration caused by the cleaning solution. Once the tiles are rinsed, dry them with a clean cloth or towel to avoid water spots or streaks.

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your tiles looking their best. Also, get rid of any loose dirt or debris, and sweep or vacuum the tiles frequently. Wipe up spills immediately to prevent staining. Additionally, consider applying a tile sealer to protect the tiles and make cleaning easier in the future.


In conclusion, tile cleaning Melbourne after construction doesn’t have to be a challenging task. By following the tips and tricks provided, you can safely and effectively clean your tiles, ensuring their longevity and beauty. Remember to gather all the necessary materials, wear protective gear, and choose the right cleaning solution for your specific tile material. With a little patience and effort, your tiles will look as good as new. 

Ready to restore the brilliance of your tiles after construction? Contact Total Floor Service today for expert tile cleaning and care. Let us add our expert touch to improve your place. Get started now!

Tile Cleaning Melbourne

Discover Our Effective Natural Solutions for Bathroom Tile Cleaning

Maintaining a sparkling, clean bathroom is a universal desire, but sometimes those stubborn tile stains seem to conspire against our efforts. Whether it’s the grout between the tiles or the tiles themselves, dirt and grime can build up over time, leaving your bathroom looking less than its best.

But fear not, because in this article, we’re diving into some effective natural solutions for Tile Cleaning Melbourne that will have your bathroom tiles gleaming in no time!


  • The Power of Baking Soda and Vinegar

You’ve probably heard about the wonders of baking soda and vinegar when it comes to cleaning, and for good reason. This dynamic duo can work wonders on bathroom tiles. Mix equal parts of baking soda and water to create a paste. Apply it to the tiles and let it sit for about 15 minutes.

Then, spritz some vinegar onto the tiles; the fizzing reaction will help break down the grime. Scrub gently with a brush or sponge, and rinse with water. Voilà! Your tiles will thank you for the spa day.


  • Lemon Fresh Brilliance

Lemon isn’t just for making lemonade; it’s also a fantastic natural cleaner. The citric acid in lemons can dissolve soap scum and mineral deposits on tiles. Mix lemon juice with a bit of water in a spray bottle and spritz it onto the tiles.

Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse. Not only will your bathroom smell delightfully citrusy, but your tiles will regain their shine.

Tile Cleaning Melbourne


  • All Hail the Mighty Vinegar

Vinegar, our versatile cleaning companion, is here to the rescue again. Its acidic nature makes it an effective cleaner for various surfaces, including bathroom tiles. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle, and spritz it onto the tiles.

Let it sit for a while, then scrub and rinse. Be cautious with natural stone tiles, as vinegar can harm their finish.


  • Tea Tree Oil Elegance

Tea tree oil is known for its antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent choice for bathroom tile cleaning. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water in a spray bottle. Spray it on the tiles, let it sit for a moment, then scrub gently and rinse.

Not only will your tiles shine, but the bathroom will also smell wonderfully refreshing.


When Nature’s Touch Falls Short, Embrace Our Expertise

We get it—life can get busy, and sometimes you need a quick and efficient solution for your bathroom tile cleaning woes. That’s where our Tile Cleaning Melbourne professionals come to the rescue! Our experienced team knows the ins and outs of different tile types and the right products to use for optimal results.

When you choose our professional tile cleaning services, you’re opting for:

  • Expertise: Our technicians are well-trained and knowledgeable, ensuring that your tiles receive the care they deserve.
  • Specialised Tools: We have access to industry-grade equipment and cleaners that can tackle even the toughest tile stains.
  • Time-Saving: Let us handle the scrubbing and cleaning while you focus on more important things in your life.
  • Long-lasting Results: Professional cleaning not only restores the shine but also extends the life of your tiles, saving you money in the long run.

The Final Sweep

Maintaining pristine bathroom tiles doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals or tiresome scrubbing sessions. These natural solutions can work wonders for regular upkeep.

However, when time is of the essence, or the stains are particularly stubborn, don’t hesitate to reach out to Total Floor Services for Tile Cleaning Melbourne experts.

So, what are you waiting for? Get a professional touch that brings the sparkle back to your tiles so you can enjoy a fresh and sparkling bathroom without the hassle.

tile cleaning Melbourne

Unveiling The Magic Of Professional Tile Cleaning: Solving Tile Dilemmas

Tiles can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space, be it your home or office. However, they can lose their sheen over time and become dull and dirty. Cleaning tiles can be daunting, requiring time, effort, and the proper techniques.

But fear not! There is an ultimate solution to all your tile dilemmas: professional cleaning. In this blog post, we will delve into the wonders of professional tile cleaning Melbourne and how it can revive the beauty of your tiles, leaving them sparkling clean and looking as good as new.


The Importance of Clean Tiles

Clean tiles not only enhance the visual appeal of your space but also contribute to a healthier environment. Tiles can harbour dirt, grime, and even harmful bacteria, which can compromise the cleanliness and hygiene of your surroundings. Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the longevity and beauty of your tiles while ensuring a clean and safe living or working environment.


Challenges of DIY Tile Cleaning

While it may be tempting to tackle tile cleaning yourself, several challenges can arise. DIY methods often need to achieve a deep and thorough clean. Stubborn stains, grout discolouration, and hard-to-reach areas can be tricky to address without professional expertise and equipment. Moreover, incorrect cleaning techniques and harsh chemicals can damage the tiles, leading to costly repairs or replacements.


tile cleaning Melbourne

The Wonders of Professional Tile Cleaning

Professional tile cleaning services offer a comprehensive solution to all your tile dilemmas. These experts possess the knowledge, experience, and specialised tools to effectively clean and restore your tiles to their original glory.

 Here are some of the wonders of professional tile cleaning:

Deep Cleaning:

Professional cleaners employ advanced techniques and powerful equipment. To penetrate deep into the pores of the tiles and extract dirt, grime, and stains that regular cleaning methods often miss.

Grout Restoration:

 Grout, the material that fills the gaps between tiles, is prone to discolouration and mould growth. Professional cleaners can deep clean and restore the grout, making it look fresh and revitalised.

Sealing and Protection:

 After thorough cleaning, professionals can apply sealants to protect the tiles from future stains and damage. This extends the lifespan of your tiles and makes them easier to clean and maintain.

Efficiency and Convenience:

Hiring professionals saves you time and effort. They come equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to efficiently clean your tiles, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks.

Expert Advice:

Professional tile cleaners can offer valuable advice on tile maintenance and recommend the right products and techniques to keep your tiles looking their best between cleanings.

Choosing the Right Professional Tile Cleaning Service

When selecting a professional tile cleaning service, there are a few factors to consider:

Experience and Reputation:

Look for a company with a proven track record of delivering excellent results and customer satisfaction.

Expertise and Techniques:

 Ensure that the service provider has skilled technicians who are trained in the latest tile cleaning Melbourne techniques and use eco-friendly products.

Insurance and Guarantees:

Check if the company is insured and offers guarantees on their work to provide peace of mind.

Customer Reviews:

Read reviews and testimonials from previous customers to get an idea of the quality of service provided.



Professional tile cleaning Melbourne is the ultimate solution to all your tile dilemmas. With their expertise and specialised equipment, professional cleaners can bring your tiles back to life, making them shine with a new radiance. Say goodbye to the hassle and frustration of DIY tile cleaning and embrace the wonders of professional cleaning. Experience the wonders of professional tile cleaning? Contact Total Floor Service today and invest in our top-notch tile cleaning services. Say goodbye to tile dilemmas and hello to beautifully clean and long-lasting tiles that will enhance the beauty of your space for years to come. Don’t wait; give us a call now!
